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the work

Atourin's New Website

Completely build the new version of Atourin's front-end website. Moving on from the old Laravel version into the new Nuxt 2 version.

Work - Atourin - OG Image
An overview of the Atourin website. Link to the project

    Who and what is it for?

    Atourin is one of the tech startups in the tourism field that offers a one-stop solution service for both travelers and the attraction object owner. The website is the main platform they are used to bring the service to the users. To accommodate all the new features and services they have planned, Atourin decides to update their front-end website to version 2, completely replacing the Laravel-based front-end with Nuxt 2.


    I do this project as a part-time front-end engineer, and these are the challenges that I faced:

    1. The front-end engineer role for this website was only assigned to me.
    2. Plenty number of pages and features need to be built.
    3. Complex data manipulation and visualization, especially for the itinerary creator feature.

    How the project went?

    This project was divided into two development phases. The first phase was going on for six months from October 2020 until March 2021, with a target to launch the website to the public. After that, the second phase was going on for two months from December 2021 until January 2022, with a target to rebuild the itinerary creator feature using Nuxt 2 to replace the old version that I built in 2019 using Vue 2 on top of Laravel when I was working there as a full-time front-end engineer.

    Even though I'm assigned alone as a front-end engineer to build this website, thanks to the discussions, directions, and suggestions from the senior front-end engineer, CTO, and CEO of Atourin, I was finally able to complete this project.

    Finally, the new website was launched in March 2021, and the itinerary creator was launched in February 2022. After those were finished, the website and features I built continued to be used and to be developed until now. This project was special to me because the output could be used and give a positive impact on travelers and attraction owners as Atourin users.